Few will be acquainted with the mammoth, inert and indestructable concrete thing (for lack of a better word) weighing 12,650,000 kilograms and located in Berlin’s Schöneberg district, despite it being registered as a historical landmark since 1995. Susanne Kriemann’s ’12 650 000′ (2005-2008) addresses this ‘Schwerbelastungskoerper’ (heavy-load-testing structure) built in 1941 as part of Albert Speer’s plan for Berlin as ‘World Capital Germania’ and in order to assess the weight-bearing capacity of the city’s sandy ground.
...Group Exhibitions
...- Dreams of Power, 2011 Zamek Poznan Curated by: Agatha Rogos
- Chipka, 2010 Netwerk, Aalst Curated by: Paul Lagring
- Measuring Potentials, 2010 Potsdamer 89 Curated by: Marc Gloede
- 89/09, 2009 Berlinische Galerie
- Questioning History, 2008 Nederlands Fotomuseum Curated by: Frank van der Stok
- Data Recovery, 2008 Gamec Bergamo Curated by: Ovul Durmusoglu
- When things cast no shadow, 2008 5th Berlin Biennial Curated by: E. Filipovic & A. Szymczyk
- 2005 International Biennale for Contemporary Art, Prague Curated by: Oliver Kielmayer