Ray, Rock, Rowan
(Being a Photograph)Loading... -
Hey Monte Schlacko, dear Slagorg
mosses bonding metallurgical rind, bee-wolves mining slagLoading... -
Lupin, fougère, genêt
Skeletal Images of a Vegetal Body: On Nuclear afterlifeLoading... -
Datadust, skin of sand
the loss of vision was greater than night, the sand took our memories, erased everything we had known to be true.Loading... -
Dachziegel, Backstein, Wasserrohr
in conversation with Red forest ant, Notch ant, Stalk antLoading... -
Mngrv (polymersday), (nylonsnoon)
below the waving surfaces of the ocean, an archive of plastics, conserved by the absence of sunlight, is foundLoading... -
Forest, frst, t like teamwork
intimately linked to our historical trail, they archive, they forest vegetation, they oaksLoading... -
Wilde Möhre, Falsche Kamille, Bitterkraut
library for radioactive afterlife (plant cycle)Loading... -
Pechblende (canopy, canopy)
library for radioactive afterlife (rhizome cycle)Loading... -
Pechblende (chapter 1)
library for radioactive afterlife (homage to a miner)Loading... -
Pechblende (prologue)
library for radioactive afterlife (uraninite cycle)Loading... -
how do we see and participate in a landscape with a camera that doubles as part of the emergence of the photographic outside itselfLoading... -
ich bin, varım, je suis, Abendrot
light machine, light nightLoading... -
1 Raphael painting = 1⁄2 Magnitogorsk 40Loading... -
no tomorrow can darkly announce its approachLoading... -
Het Licht
scan, retouch, rework, solarise, boil, dry, water and reprintLoading... -
A silent crazy jungle under glass
crumbling dried flowers are just plain floral pulp, like the paper of a photographic printLoading... -
Ashes and broken brickwork of a logical theory
a white camel loaded with oats is coming over the passLoading... -
One Time One Million
imagination of an unrecoverable pastLoading... -
12 650 000
November 1941, December 2008Loading... -
The originality of the avant-garde and other modernist myths
(former central post office Rotterdam)Loading... -
Ramses Files
immutable remainsLoading... -
Conditioned Air, etc
the present slips from the edgesLoading...