Things we sense about each other

Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe

Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc, Irina Afanasyeva, Vahram Aghasyan, Lala Aliyeva, Stefan Bertalan, Anna Dasović, Ines Doujak, Ilkin Huseynov, Anna Jermolaewa, Adela Jušić, Susanne Kriemann, Misha Kurilov, Elturan Mammadov, Ekaterina Muromtseva, Jura Shust, Harout Simonian, Lucine Talalyan, Aleksei Taruts, Iulia Toma, Miloš Trakilović, ZIP Group

The Badische Kunstverein is the hub of a wide-ranging exhibition, research, and events project that focuses on images and counterimages of Europe. Currently in planning in conjunction with the exhibition Things we sense about each other at the Kunstverein, featuring 21 international artists, is a traveling academy which will be launched in June 2021, and will be localized in the cities of the various project partners under the title Things we share with each other. In cooperation with from Vienna, eight co-curators from Sarajevo, Poltava, Kiev, Baku, Prague, Minsk, Yerevan, Krasnodar, and Bucharest were invited to realize the exhibition and enter into a long-term dialogue as a trans-European network.

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