Titled Maps of Disquiet, the 3rd edition of the Chennai Photo Biennale, reflects on the exigencies of our times: resisting majoritarian impositions, ecological collapse, and technological dystopias by reclaiming pluralities of thought, voices, and art, and building new networks of solidarity and care. In today’s world of highly specialized fields of operation, rigid chains of command and niche disciplinary focus, a space such as a biennale offers the possibility of rethinking our futures through broader parameters that address the complexity of the disquiet that we are experiencing.
The site of the ‘Great Trigonometrical Survey’ of 1802, the first colonial attempt to measure and map the subcontinent, Chennai today is an arena for the creation of resistant cartographies. The biennale illuminates the invisible realms of power and knowledge that shape our global present while simultaneously navigating contested visions of our global future. It asks, whose resources? Whose rivers? Whose interests? Whose voices? Whose images?
Curated by Arko Datto, Boaz Levin, Kerstin Meincke and Bhooma Padmanabhan
Artists: Amitesh Grover , Anais Tondeur , Andreas Langfeld & Sarabhi Ravichandran, Arthur Crestani , Babu Eshwar Prasad , Carolina Caycedo , Gauri Gill , Harun Farocki , Hito Steyerl , James P Tylor , Jane Jin Kaisen , Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber, Katrin Koenning , Lisa Rave , Michael Hanna , Mohini Chandra , Nico Joana Weber , Parvathi Nayar & Nayantara Nayar, Patrick Pound , Rohini Devasher , Rohit Saha , Rory Pilgrim , Ruth Patir , Sanchayan Ghosh , Saranraj, Senthil Kumaran , Siva Sai Jeevanantham , Soumya Sankar Bose , Sridhar Balasubramanium , Susanne Kriemann , Tobias Zielony , Vamika Jain , Vasudha Thozhur , Yuvan Aves