Box with the Sound of Its Own Making

curated by Mihnea Mircan

Salonul de proiecte
Universul Printing House, Building B, 1st Floor
Ion Brezoianu 23 – 25, Bucharest, Romania

Thursday – Sunday / 3 – 7 pm

This presentation borrows both its title and modus operandi from a 1961 sculpture by Robert Morris. Something of a ventriloquist object, Morris’ Box with the Sound of Its Own Making is a modest wooden box, inside which a tape player continuously reproduces the sounds of its fabrication: a 3-hour process of sawing, drilling and nailing.

The project includes photographic works by Geert Goiris, a tapestry by Susanne Kriemann, and documentation of performances by Fabio Mauri and Phillip Warnell, which could be understood as interchangeable ‘posters’ for the ‘film’ whose sound emanates from the exhibition. Mauri and Warnell, for instance, articulate expanded or compressed cinemas where the screen for the projection of a film is placed on the torso of the director in one case, or directly on the retina of the performer. In both cases, screens function not as neutral surfaces but as fragments of conjunctive tissue, mediators in other proximities than those of conventional cinema, embodied receptors whose folds, irregularities and patches of obscurity inflect the viewing experience as much as filmic narrative.

Works by Geert Goiris, Susanne Kriemann, Fabio Mauri, Philip Metten, Phillip Warnell
Lecture-performances by Sarah Browne, Erik Bünger, Ho Rui An
Films by Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Sarah Browne, Erik Bünger, Pauline Curnier Jardin, Josef Dabernig, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni, Anja Kirschner & David Panos, Daria Martin, Laure Prouvost, Anri Sala, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Phillip Warnell, Bedwyr Williams, John Williamson