Opening, 20.2.205
ifa Gallery Stuttgart
This exhibition brings together artists and local communities that resist the social and political processes that are driving planet Earth and its human and non-human inhabitants to the verge of exhaustion. These voices from various regions stand up against the exploitation of nature and people – like destructive mining activity, the poisoning and waste of water: acts that change and destroy habitats. They defend a plurality of languages and forms of life.
The participating artists and communities develop counter-worlds that draw on local memories. They create spaces for action and they make perceivable, how our bodies are entangled with every-body that surrounds us: through movement, language, the telling of stories, and passing on knowledge or eating communally.
By observing, recording, creating new configurations and speculating, the artists create pictorial worlds, knowledge, and form of witness. They renew memories and shape futures that are reinforced through community. The practices that unite “shadowily in different tongues” appeal to solidarity and justice as opportunities to connect with each other and to celebrate different forms of cohabitation.
Curated by Bettina Korintenberg, Mauricio Marcín, and Gabriel Rossell Santillán in the scope of the one-year programme Agua Quemada (Burnt Water) at ifa Gallery Stuttgart.
With contributions by Lise Autogena & Joshua Portway, Minia Biabiany, Calpulli Tecalco (Angélica Palma), Colectiva Milpa urbana, Keiko Kimoto & Gabriel Rossel Santillán, Susanne Kriemann, Crisanto Manzano, Karen Michelsen, Tina Modotti, Katya Mora, Edith Morales, Fernando Palma, Panósmico, Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Tequiocalco, Bruno Varela